APV Project Structure Aproved

APV Lisbon 16-18.01.2009
Inter-video dialogue
7-15 February 2009

1. Accommodation:

Jardim de Amadora
LG. Major Humberto de Cruz N 3
Barrio da Mina

Rooms 2-3 people/ room

2 train stops from the office of ACV (Associação Comunidade Verde; organizers)

2. Internet
Available on the ground floor (possibly 1st and 2nd also)

3. Travel
Prices will vary from country to country. Please check your budget with Gonçalo.

4. Program

1) Welcome Party (first evening, arrival day)
15 minutes for presentation; food, power point, posters, photos…

2) Movie night
Each country brings one short movie
Best if with few dialogues and English subtitles

3) National evening 1h
Each country has got one hour to prepare something interactive for the participants of the project. Best if it is not anything cultural (not to double with the 1st evening)

* each country shall prepare two energizers for the others which will be used to start the morning and the afternoon session. In terms of energizers, there will be one day assigned to each national group. (it’s better to prepare more just in case somebody used your ideas ;-)

5. Movie
The topic of the movie if “multiculturalism”.
During the exchange there will be 3 movies done separately.
They shall last for around 3 minutes each.
Each country group shall prepare a story of 25 lines which could be a base for the movie story. The story shall be sent to the partners possibly before the project starts.
Out of 6 proposals (there are 6 partner countries in the project) there will be 3 chosen. The choice will be made by leaders regarding conditions and possibilities.
Each leader should choose from its group a possible movie director.
There will be 6 proposals for movie directors in the exchange, however, only 3 will have this privilege to be directors of the 3 movies. The choice shall be made I don’t know how yet but probably by the leaders. Or maybe by the movie groups already?--> to be disucussed with organizers

(10th and 11th)
For each movie there shall be:
• Director
• Art director (dress, make-up, characterization)
• Sound director (music, mixing, recording, microphones, sound editing)
• Actors

For each post- production of each movie there shall
• movie director
• sound director
• editor
/there shall be three editing islands: two will be placed in the office of ACV, third in the cinema school/

Maximum of 2-3 people per movie; sound director, its assistant and each movie director.

If movies are good enough, they will be sent to international festivals for short movies

The last programme day (Saturday) there shall be an official premiere of the movies. There will ambassadors from each country invited (Wow ! That will be something !) as well as local community as audience.

As you probably noticed, in the activities on 12th and 13th (Thursday and Friday) about film editing and audio editing (postproduction) there is a limited number of people who can take part in it. Therefore, there shall be alternative programme proposed for the rest. For the moment there are 2 alternatives: creative writing workshop and Poema Gigante in Lizbon (citizens of the city write a gigantic poem of around 130m long on the paper placed on the ground in the popular, often visited place of the city; the idea is to put here the spirit of the city).

6. Gear (equipment)

3 cameras
3 sound recorders
1 voice over recording microphone


There is a mailing list for participant and leaders (or just for leaders) regarding project. To be prepared:
- story of 25 lines and sent to organizers before the project
- Food and country presentation (of maximum 15 minutes) for the 1st evening (maybe Kasia can take folk costume form Żmigród?).
- 15 minutes movie for the 2nd evening
- 1 hour of interactive activities for all the participants (I thought about Discussion Café or Polonez dance)
- 2-5 energizers (in case somebody has used yours ideas already) to start morning and evening session

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